Selasa, 10 Oktober 2017

The First Meeting

Date: 8 October 2017

Hasil gambar untuk gambar diary

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb

"Disini saya baru bikin blog dan blog ini juga termasuk salah satu tugas saya di pelajaran bahasa inggris yang tugasnya membuat blog tentang catatan harian."


Hello Friends

In the morning i leave for campus at 7 o'clock from home. Arriving on the campus at 8.15 am, i went straight to the class on the 11th floor. When i want to ride elevator on the 3rd floor it turn out crowded once  waiting for the elevator. I decided to exercise in the morning or go up the stairs, arriving at the class turns out  the class has not been opened yes i and my friends are waiting in front of the class approximately 20 minutes newly opened by the officer. I went straight in with my friend and lecturer came in after waiting 5 minutes. The lecturer begins started by introducing her self and she also assigns us all to introduce our self using english. After the last wait i headed forwards, i am nervous because my english vocabulary is still a messy. After completion of introducing my self i fill the attendance list and are welcome to sit. I just got here sorry if my diary is stiil messy and i thank you for reading my diary😏

Wasalamualaikum Wr.Wb